There's quite a lot of key info on this page, so for convenience, here's some quick links to take you to each key section directly:
Before we go into what I offer, I wanted to address the question of who this work is for via the quote from Travis Bickle from Taxi Driver...
I'm going to say something slightly controversial here. When I was starting out building my coaching practice, a lot of advice that I came across from other coaches and practitioners said to define a niche. They said that this was the biggest thing to get right, as this was where most coaches fail. It meant to specifically hone in on the kind of person that your coaching will be just right for and articulate what your work would do for them
So if I had to pick a niche (aka a client avatar, as it's known in the coaching space), it would be:
The avatar represents my experiences and hence potential best fit. Some of you reading that client avatar above may then believe that I might not be right for you or that I wouldn't want to work with you.
This couldn't be further from the truth. I welcome anyone who resonates with anything they read on this site, whatever their story. I've always said that this work can help anyone, however I can't help everyone.
What matters is that you're looking for some help/guidance and that my words and approach resonate with you as someone that might be able to help/guide you.
If you've got the courage and want to work on yourself, that's a great start and I am talking to you to invite you to start your path. Ultimately, you deserve to be listened to.
So then. What is mindset transformation all about?
Well, you'll have seen on the home page that I said it's not life coaching.
You see, the focus of most traditional coaches is to help people get to a specific goal/goals and do things like focus on the present and future, set actions plans and all that.
And that’s fine if that's your thing.
However, the work I do is always intended to go much deeper than that by discovering why you want to achieve a goal/goals in the first place, otherwise you often end up achieving it and realising it still doesn’t fulfil you or instead fulfils you for a little while, before you revert back to old habits and ways.
At this point, we should just clarify just what do we mean by mindset and indeed what do we mean by transformation:
Mindset can be thought of as:
Whereas transformation can be thought of as...well, whatever you determine it to be.
The word/term transformation at first glance may promise an instant change that presents a stark difference to what the person is currently experiencing. More often than not however, this transformative effect may be short lived, because the groundwork and practice hasn't been embedded to make it a lasting change, thus we see a return to old habits and patterns.
As the self-confessed mindset transformer, I chose transformer/transformation with the idea in mind that the transformation is defined by the person themselves. It doesn't have to be a wholesale upheaval of everything in your life with instant results overnight - it can be something as small as building the confidence to conduct public speaking to achieving a significant goal in your life like finding a partner to have a personal relationship with or a weight-related milestone.
An added bonus of the transformation work with me is that you have the opportunity to change your mind along the way about what your transformation is, thereby giving yourself the space to change your mind in the first place instead of giving yourself the message that you're indecisive, muddled i.e. not good enough, which depletes your self worth.
By being besides you while we craft the time, compassion, space, patience for you to realise, accept and practice the changes you want and by doing so opening up your own possibilities, you hone your own transformation, as defined by you.
Borrowing the definition from the world of engineering, a transformer is a device that transfers electric energy from one alternating-current circuit to one or more other circuits. In my space, we do the same, only we work with your current energy levels and utilise untapped resources and the circuits are your possibilities. Again, you lead the way, as it's your transformation.
(and yes, part of me was thinking of Optimus Prime when I came up with the title 😁)
Which brings us to what I offer.
I wanted to create something to take you through what the mindset transformation work involves - from the basic first principles like what outcomes you can expect to realise, the actions we take towards realising them, the emotions you'll feel on the way, going on to the specific parts of the process, how it all fits together to finishing up with examples and stories to make this more relatable and start to make you feel your possibilities opening up.
Welcome then to...
Inner Peace Walker: Illuminator is comprised of 3 parts:
Inner Peace Walker: Engaged
Inner Peace Walker: Primed
Inner Peace Walker: Activated
Each part has been created in order to show you what is possible from the mindset transformation work with me.
Check out this video to intoduce yourself to Illuminator:
This is the first step of Illuminator - Inner Peace Walker: Engaged
Engaged represents a walkthrough of the Message Map which provides the direction the work will take us in. It starts with the central promise (aka the primary outcome) with its associated secondary outcomes and their corresponding actions towards achieving them, ending up with what emotions you'll feel instead of feeling the ones you currently do.
Above is what it's like in diagrammatic form...
...and here's Engaged in full, filling in the details:
Primed provides you with an overview into The Pathbuilder, my core program. At Primed's heart is the central big promise, and surrounding it are the 6 main blocks of the work that intersperse between each other.
Check out Primed in full here:
The final part of Illuminator, Inner Peace Walker: Activated contains the stories and examples that brings this work to life and is designed with your relatability and resonance in mind - to make you go 'oh shit, yeah, that's me' or 'I can see how this relates to me'
Inner Peace Walker: Activated is available on demand for a couple of reasons - firstly, it's made up of a series of videos (of around 1-6mins each) instead of just one video and secondly, having it on demand encourages you to reach out to me for access to it, thereby giving your subconscious proof that you're building the want, intrigue and courage to work on yourself.
Consider this as your first clue into whether you want to do this work. Reaching out for access would be your first sign of you taking your responsibility for your pathbuilding.
You can request access to Activated by emailing me at
Once you've made it through the Illuminator, head onto the Coaching Packages section below to see the investment and details involved on where and how you can secure your time with me.
Right, so now we come to what many consider the key bit - namely, how much does all this cost, how long does it take?
Or as that paragon of tight-fistedness Arkwright from the sitcom Open All Hours frequently said:
Fair enough. You may have heard people phrase 'prices' as investments instead. This is true - you are spending money to better yourself, but it still doesn't take away from the fact that it's not a paltry sum of money to part with.
What I'll say to this is that the investments outlined below reflect the value of the sessions and the progress you can expect to make together with me, such that the money will no longer feel like an issue as you progress through the program. Bold a statement as that may be, I am confident that you will both enjoy and thrive building and walking your own path to inner peace.
The pathbuilding will require a high level of commitment from both of us and time too to ensure you get the results you desire, hence I only work with a small number of people at any one time.
The point of the Soundboard Session is to to see if we're a good fit for each other and can then take things forward before we invest our time, money and energy.
It's like you're a footballer who has multiple clubs they could sign for and me being the manager of one of those clubs talking to you about signing up to my club.
In terms of the coaching packages themselves, there are both individual and group coaching packages available to suit your own preferences outlined below:
Both individual and group packages on offer include regular video calls via Google Meet with me which ordinarily last one hour unless we need more time to discuss a particular topic. Each session will be an opportunity to delve beyond the symptoms of what you're experiencing and target the root causes via my unique model Construct-Deconstruct-Reconstruct. At the same time, you will dictate where we go in our sessions as you guide us on our guaranteed treasure hunt - the treasure is there, we just need to keep digging.
At the end of each session, I will give you exercises to work on between sessions and I provide unlimited support by email should you have any questions or concerns. The more work you do between sessions, the more value you'll get and the more your path gets built.
So for individuals, there's:
The minimum sign up is 10 weeks to allow us enough time for the work to take effect. If you want to go beyond the 10 weeks, we can discuss whether we both think it’s worthwhile and if we agree, you can continue on a rolling session basis at a rate of £300 per session.
This package is payable upfront in full, or payable in 2 installments - £1,500 for the 5 weeks, then £1,500 for the second 5 weeks.
If you would like to create your own path to your inner peace, I invite you to book a free Soundboard Session.
Alternatively, feel free to drop me a message using the Contact page and we can look to work a bespoke package out.
I have one more option. This is for people that will either seen my content before or have communicated with me and thus are sold on the idea of working with me that they don't need/want a Soundboard Session, they just want to get going on the work. If this is you, head here to Inner Peace Walker: Resources to complete your investment.
There are 2 group coaching packages available. Both take the same form as the individual coaching packages i.e. last for 10 sessions in total and are a weekly meeting on Google Meet, ordinarily lasting an hour. The first package is a group of 2 (so it's you and 1 other person) and the other is a group of 3 (so it's you and 2 other people).
In terms of who is in your group, you can either sign up with people you know who'd want to be a part of the group, or I myself can put the group together - however, with this latter option, you'd have to wait until there are enough other people signed up before I can compile the group, so worth bearing that in mind. Contact me to check on current availability.
The size of both groups are kept relatively small on purpose to allow everyone to have their input into each session and to avoid getting sidetracked with too many voices, so you've got:
Both group packages are payable in full upfront to make sure you commit to the whole program - otherwise, if you cut out midway through the group coaching course, it's not only your own time and money you're wasting, but others too.
If you are interested in either Pathbuilder setups, drop me a message using the Contact page saying which one you'd like to join and we can chat about current availability.
However, if you're ready to go with a group that you've put together and don't want/need a Soundboard Session, head over to Inner Peace Walker: Resources to complete your investment.