I am all over the place...
Some wiseguys might say "Yes we've known that for ages, what's new?" (ho-ho, very funny).
What I mean is that I'm on a few platforms and places where you can find more content that I produce. So instead of making a standalone page elsewhere like Linktree, I thought I'd put a page on my very site (the one that you're on at the moment, in case you're wondering) to point you in the direction of the channels that you'll find the content on, and indeed if you wanted to apply to be on a couple of podcasts and shows I run, you can do that too, as well as purchase some cool stuff...
Inner Peace Walker: Resources is home to a wide range of digital products like books, courses and workshops, all centered on helping you build your path to inner peace.
It's also the place where you can secure your spot on either of The Pathbuilder packages in a few easy clicks.
Access the site using the button below:
A band on Facebook for those interested in mindset transformation, where I post content to invoke thought and discussion
Join me on Instagram where you can check out content in the form of image and videos, as well as the first chance to see my lives (and replays) with fellow coaches (see Inner Peace Walker Live below)
IPW TV is where you'll find my longer form video content, including modules, live session replays and podcasts, all packaged in single videos or convenient playlists, whatever takes your fancy
Clapper is a platform similar to TikTok but with no ads. This is where you'll find my short form content covering topics of mindset transformation via bitesized videos
Alternative Healthcare Solutions is a new platform which connects those providing healthcare solutions, be they for mind, body or soul (aka Healers) with those looking for these solutions (aka Seekers). On this platform, I host workshops on mindset transformation not available elsewhere.
My community on Skool concentrates on the firs reconciling your emotilow self worth, before you head onto the mindset transformation work featuring Contruct-Decosntruct-Reconstruct. In Worth Waker, you'll find like-minded folks who are looking to repair their self worth from whichever area in life they'd like to choose
Inner Peace Walker: LIVE is where I go live with a fellow coach and share our expertise on a mindset topic. Most lives are conducted live on Instagram, with replays on the channels above (except AHS)
If you're a coach and you want to be a guest on the show, get in touch with me at info@innerpeacewalker.com
The Inner Peace Walker Podcast is where I spend some time with really cool people in the self development space to share stories, journeys, ideas and thoughts. Available in video on IPW TV and in audio on most podcast platforms.
If you want to be a guest on the show, click on the below button to apply:
Soundtrack Of Your Life is your chance to share the music-based anchors in your life - those songs that take you back to a certain place, person or moment in time. Available in video form on IPW TV and in audio on most podcast platforms.
If you want to apply to be on the show, click the button below:
It's not about what was said, it's about what you heard.
Every fortnight, my co-host Angilina and I delve into a podcast of our choosing and share our thoughts, perspectives and questions on it. You may agree with some things we say, you may disagree with other things - it's all good.
Check our our shows via the below
My first book, all about shadow work as inspired by The Batman. Get your ebook or paperback copy from Amazon:
Headthreads is a fully sustainable, carbon neutral clothing and artwork design studio that operates on the basis of wear what you believe - which means you can amend our existing cool designs or create your own.
Click the below button to start creating: